Entry 1: Thoughts on blogs

Hello again. This is Aniken again and I've been called on to formulate my thoughts on the ideas of blogs. There may be some bias, but whether that's from doing a blog or being told to do a blog is up to be discovered as the blog unfolds. My thoughts on blogs in general however is mostly neutral, slightly positive. Though that's sort of depends on you're trying to get out of doing something like a blog in the first place. But enough rambling and let's take a quick look.

So if you want to boil it down to basics, a blog is just a public place to give an opinion of variable depth or intention. It's distinct from some social media like Twitter For focusing less on attention grabbing buzz, and specifically not having a character limit. It's less flashy than other media forms so their popularity has started to wane. However on the small scale a large enough personality could bring life to an individual blog or a site if they get big enough.

Personally I feel that blogs can serve a purpose, though that's starting to become more personalized as they lose general use. The opportunity to give your thoughts on a topic without a character limit is nice, but the expanded exposure helps get eyes on whatever you're posting. However starting on a blog isn't likely to get much exposure in the beginning unless you get a lucky break. To get the use out of this tool, bringing and audience from something else helps jumpstart a blog. They've fallen to a secondary outlet as their popularity has fallen.

As I look to the future of this project, I'm not sure what I'll come up with. This blog may have some unpredictable elements, but I hope I can do what I must. This blog is a place that I'll be using as a place to air my thoughts, at least for the near future. And though I don't expect this to gain any real attention, it's mine to do.
