Entry 2: Why WC?

 Hey again. This one is going to be a little bit  more free style than the last post. Part of my philosophy is that not trying to connect with the people around you can only lead to misfortune. Especially in the business world, there are very few that can have that one in a million idea or ride long enough to become a monopoly. Losing touch with customers and losing their good will is a death blow if you've managed to gain some following. This post is going to be a look at why this blog is a Worker's collective, even if only in name.

Take a hypothetical company: Under a more standard corporate hierarchical structure, the CEO and those of the management own the rights to the company. Of the total budget of the company, after expenses, take whatever comes off of the top as "profit". This is where the majority of a company's wealth is funneled. So long as they make more profit than before, nothing else matters. And those bellow them suffer as they clip corners to make things tighter and tighter. With profit as the supreme aim, all else bends to that. It doesn't matter what the people say so long as they buy.

Now let's look at the worker's collective: Instead of the many layers of management that separates the owners from the suffering they inflict, a workers collective is a much flatter structure, where there may only be two or three levels, if any. Instead of trying to minimize expenses and maximize the free profit to take from the top, the business expenses are taken out of the earnings and the profit is divided among the workers evenly. This makes for much greater employee investment because the wellness of the company directly affects their gain, as opposed to most getting only a meager salary.

On top of that, with the primary focus shifted away from profits, the workers aren't driven to skimp on safety or training. In addition, the workers can gather together for everyone to try and contribute. One such example is agreeing to a company insurance plan. The primary focus would be shifted to the success of the business, which is not the same thing as maximizing profit. One such action would be reliable and constant attention to and reception to those who want us to succeed. Many times companies have gained a following only to go corporate and the wither as they lose touch with the consumer.

This has just been a quite look into my thoughts. I'm here for a reason, and disconnecting from those that engage with me won't serve that. If you agree with me, then I hope that we can have a productive discussion about how to refine the larger model, of which this is only a fraction. If you disagree with me, I encourage you to try and point to specific aspects that need addressing. And one thing I suggest supremely is that you don't treat any part of the discussion as obvious. We need to be able to articulate what we mean, that way we can be constructive.
