Entry #3 Cool taste

A small, thin, green, transparent plastic cartridge sits in my hand. A small lid on the front with the cover beneath it implies convenience and a quick relief from bad breath. The bumps along the side of the cartridge keep my grip firm as I turn it over in my hands. The entire back is white with fine print that I barely glance over. The only thing that catches my gaze is a small green triangle with an exclamation point. "The carrying case may present a chocking hazard." A very simple warning, but a necessary one. With 24 bits to go, I open the small thing.

There's a bit of resistance but with a bit more force there's a surprisingly loud pop. The plastic latch bends from the center of the front of the cartridge and into the finger holding it steady. There isn't any smell, even putting my nose over the opening, but that's only one part of it. Sitting inside of the light green holder is several thin green strips, blending in with their container. I try to pinch one out but I need to fiddle with it to pull it out like that. After a second I'm successful and ready to try one out.

In between my fingers is an extra thin green slip that I need to hold delicately. The moment it touches my touch I notice just how flat and dry it is. It both melts and crinkles against my tongue and it's a very peculiar sensation. A second later I finally notice the taste. It's potent, a bit more so than I was expecting. And the main taste is artificial. That tell tale sign of concentration and lack of other products. While good on paper, it leaves another taste in the binary that isn't as welcome. And after a moment it's gone. leaving nothing behind but the flavors and a slightly better smelling breath.
