Entry #5 Insurance ad


Hello there. Today I'm analyzing an Allstate insurance ad. Looking at what people do to advertise is essential to knowing how they think. This is essential in all things business. 

The ad starts in a dark forest with a person telling the viewer that they're a wild deer. He then goes on to detail about how he's doping deer like actions. The narration then goes on to say that one of those actions is inspecting a road. Then a car comes along and the person who's a deer stays on the road, saying it's a thing deer do. The car then hits into him and there's a close up on his face on the ground. He then says that normally the viewer would be on the hook for the damage to the car. They then cut to a advertising card and say that it's good that their insurance covers that kind of accident.

The authors of the add are wanting to appeal to a shocking pathos. They want the viewer to be surprised at the depiction of a crashing person and they want the potential customer to feel unsafe so that they're more prone to wanting that kind of insurance. They want the viewer to feel like their insurance will sate the feeling of fear they create.

The appeals to people who enjoy driving around in the countryside. Probably hunters or people who live in heavily wooded areas where those kinds of animals live. It's sort of trying to scare their customers into getting a protection. This can also appeal to casual campers who may not get much out of this kind of insurance.

The context of this ad is a social environment where the ads that get shared are the ones that can leave some kind of impact. But with so many flying around they need to try and be bigger and badder than anyone else. It tells me about a culture being soaked in fear and danger. Hopefully as we start to get off of the ground, we'll be able to apply more tactful advertisement.
